Thursday, February 13, 2014

Parshat Ki Tisa, (Exodus 34-1:34-9)-2/13/2014

Now we see a much more mature relationship between G_d and Moses. It is the relationship of a father and a grown son vs. a father and an adolescent son (when the first time the tablet was given where Moses was not ready for it).

The parshah said, “the Lord descended in the cloud...” And now G_d has become a little less reactive, “... Who is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and truth.” We have for one of the first times a G_d to emulate rather than to fear as an erratic parent.

Why must Moses request at the end of this parshah that G_d be patient with the people who have sinned? Is G_d, who just claim many good attributes, not capable of unconditional love on its own?

The people are still not feeling any shame, let alone guilt, for their actions. I trust this will come with the laws.

I thought of myself ... and the prisoners I write to. When have I felt shame? When should I have felt shame? Why have the prisoners not expressed shame? I understood harakiri a little better today after thinking about shame more. Is it nonexistent in our culture? I must think more about this.

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